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March 18, 2010


I loved this too!

wow the coach by the window is a dream! :-)


soooo nice. makes me want to upholster my chairs in bright yellow!

i love it too. makes we want to spruce up the ol' living room a bit!

the floral details make the room

Gosh I wish I had that light in my house. How's the new apt going?

i love thy living room..i used to sketched the floor plan for my room to re-arranged it..i like the new interiors...nice nice

take me there....

That's amazing decor, I love how they balance the white base with the splashes of color. Thanks for posting!

The pale blue couch, the yellow chairs, the brilliantly pink flowers, and the giant window....
I'm in heaven.
As Liz Lemon (30 Rock) would say, "I want to go to there" :)

Definitely an inspiration with all of the white and little pops of color! So lovely!

Love this room. I'm so loving bright color right now! Come on spring! Kick it in gear....

This is absolutely gorgeous. I, too, love the light and the vivid colour accents.

Window is gorgeous.

Such a beautiful room! I love color. Not surprising since I live in Marrakech!

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