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January 27, 2010


This was so fun! Thanks for being my date, sistah!

So glad to have you book. Sounds like you had a great time (in both places!)

yay! you're back ;-)

welcome back! the new guard dinners so great- i am going to go read the link now... but it sounds like the kind of thing we should attempt to do within our communities/friends on a small level!

welcome back! I wish i could have attended alt. maybe next year. have a great day C! xx

In Seattle?? Shoot, I wish I'd known!

This looks right up my alley...

Oooh, did you eat Skillet? Skillet is my ultimate splurge lunch... it's an Airstream full of heaven (and bacon).

Hey Elizabeth!

It was the chef from Skillet but apparently a departure from his normal menu. I loved it though and look forward to checking out Skillet.

hey chelsea,
it was nice meeting you at Alt. your panel was great and you did a wonderful job. hopefully we'll get a chance to chat more next time! ;)

I love love love Skillet. My BF and I took the train from portland with our bikes last fall and then rode around Seattle searching for it! It was worth it, and also a perfect day trip.

i'm hoping to make it to seattle sometime later this year — attending one of these dinners would be so fun. great to have you back, chelsea! hope you had a wonderful time (alt is definitely on my wishlist for next year!).

Sounds like you had a great time! I havent been to Seattle since 1993!

Was lovely meeting you at New Guard! Hope to see you around these parts again...will also look for you & your fab sis next time I'm down in PDX town. xo

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