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January 11, 2010


I have been dreaming of a chic tattoo for ages. This year's the one. I found a vintage floral engraving that I am going to have made into a tattoo.

neck, no. arm, YES!

I do agree! The neck kinda scares me a little.

There's nothing more personal than handwriting - your favorite quote in your own handwriting would be perfection.

I'm usually not a person who loves tattoos on women, but these are so beautiful done! I love the script. However, I definitely love tattoos on men. I don't know why that is though....

I'm the same. Lately though I've been loving the idea of a little something romantic after seeing some lovelies like these.

a few years ago two sisters came into the shop i was working at with arm tattoos VERY similar to the top right one. i instantly fell in love and my sister and i have been designing a similar one for us to both get!

So gorgeous. I don't have the guts, or ability to like something for eternity, but these are awesome.

These tattoos are beautiful. I love cursive.

Definitely pretty... I'd never do one on my neck though. I've been itching to get another tattoo lately. Oh dear.

nice....absolute love.

speaking of tattoos, these are incredible (click on 'abstract' on the left)


There is some thing very interesting about scripting poetry on skin.

Recently, my girlfriend Bianca inked herself with a branding of a "B" that is inverts also into a heart.

These are indeed pretty and chic.

I'm the same way & yes, they're great!

the script on the arm is very beautiful!

I've always wanted one and the black and white photo makes me want to get one even more!

These are lovely.

oooh i'm with you...not usually a tatoo girl but a Betsy Dunlap tatoo would be awfully cool...

p.s. I have to hear more about this ballet class...I'm considering taking one too, but I'm a wee bit afraid.

you'll have to fill me in at alt!

yes -- i love words as tattoos and have come to appreciate the classic dark-green rather than loads of color...

oh, calligraphy tattoos! I'm not a tattoo girl, either, but those are pretty darn sweet.

I have "yours truly" on my forearm in my husbands handwritting and vice versa. Very personal and lovely

I'm so not a tatoo girl but youre right, so pretty....they look liek they'be been feather quilled in a flourish of artisticness! x

so so pretty, i love interesting cursive tattoos.

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