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May 13, 2009


I absolutely enjoy! This is beautiful. I never knew what those lovely flowers were called. Virburnum... I'll have to remember that. And is there a more precious flower than Lily of the Valley??

This is simply sweet!

Absolutely divine

I love virburnum! They were used for part of my centerpieces.

What kind of shears do you recommend? Is there one type that is best? My lilacs might have lasted longer if I had taken better care after getting them home.

oh, and love the colors!

Hey Jaime,

I like using these bonsai scissors: http://www.smithandhawken.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=prod810086p&categoryId=cat840001p&sku=810086p

In fact, I need some new ones! I also love to use Felco pruners.

Lilacs can be really tempermental. There are always one or two stems that wilt no matter what you do:)

oh yes, they are just lovely.

oh, so beautiful! i needed a little mental break from my job right now and thought "chelsea will have something perfect." and i was right. thank you!

Regarding the "little vertical slice": Do you cut a slice into the stem up how far? Only one slice so the bottom is in two halves? Had I done this, my lilacs probably would have lasted at least a day longer.

Also, water temperature...what is a good temperature water for flowers?

I love it. This is the first time I have noticed the flower of the week. I like it a lot I will keep my out for it now.

v.g. questions sara!

The slice should be about an inch. Just to sort of split the stem. Some people suggest crushing the stems since they are woody, but that sort of destroys their method of drinking water. This is just a more subtle approach and it usually works really well for me.

I like to use very cold water if the flowers are already opened quite a bit and I want them to last. If I want them to open, I use lukewarm and if I am reviving somthing half-dead I submerge it in very hot water.

OK, hope that helps!!

Hee! Rich- probably because it's more like a flower of the month. I am not very good at keeping it up. There is a category to the left that houses all the posts though if you are interested:)

it's just perfect

oh this is so pretty and delicate! i love your 'flower of the week' feature, i never knew what these lovelies were called.

gorgeous... the color combo is amazing!!! viburnum is one of my favorites. i can look at them all day long!

I almost bought some this morning at the market but ended up going for sweet peas.

we always pass by our secret viburnum bush here on the vineyard!

so sweet and pretty.

and i spy the domino book of decorating! such a great book. i won it on someone's blog give-away.

Oh, I want one for my desk.

Simply gorgeous! I love bright green and yellow flowers.

This arrangement is so beautiful! You have such wonderful taste :)

what exquisite bouquets ~ delightfully fresh!

i especially love each little blossom on the virburnums ~ a bouquet themselves ...

the first image is a particularly lovely composition ...

thank you thank you!

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