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April 08, 2009


Stunning! I would have loved this when I was a kids!

absolutely beautiful!

I'd love one for my living room... SO much fun!

i want to play!

I gasped with delight when I saw this and they're from England. Beautiful and magical.
Now I just need £1500 and probably a child first :)

I would have spent hours in these as a child

wow. to be a kid again!


how fun! would it be wrong if i bought one for myself?

B needs one...for now it looks as if I need to make one...:) xo t

Oh my goodness. adorable. i want to live in there myself.


Those look lovely. I wish I could play in one!

I want to spend a summer sleeping outside in one of those.



cute! :)

How cool!


this is incredible!

This is just adorable! I want a life-size one for adults!

xo Mary Jo



This is too cute!!!
(just like everyone else said...)

wow, so cute!

We are working out plans to revamp our yard and make it a garden. These would fit in so well!

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