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April 14, 2009



My husband and I wrote our own (personalised) wedding invitations... and them we sent them by mail with a nice stamp. Our guests loved them! :)

This is such an adorable idea!

Oh this reminds me of the torture of after-Christmas thank you notes when I was little...looks cute from the adult side though.

I loved this.


Man...I love this! I was going to make my wedding invitations by hand...maybe I should just ask my nephew to do them for me :)

These are great!

I love this!

That's some serious cute. I want him to make some for me! You can't buy typography that cute :)

So sweet and personal. Wonderful idea :)


these are so cute (maybe partly because they are in swedish?) i love the little swimming guys at the bottom. a dream of mine is to make a typeface out of my own handwriting, maybe i should also work on one of a child's handwriting.

genius, so thoughtful!

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