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March 31, 2009


This is stunning - so still and serene and even other-worldly!

love. this.

Chelsea, you just have the most amazing style! You are such an inspiration, thank you so much!

That might actually be my dream dress. So ethereal and sweet! I can't wait to see the rest!

Lovely. I'll look forward to more!

sounds like the charlie's angels of design and a simply wonderful collaboration. you're all so lucky to work together.

exquisite, all around.

What a sweet dress and bouquet. I love it! Can't wait to see the rest.

So pretty. I love the simplicity of the bouquet.

so so pretty! xoxo

Looking forward to seeing the rest. Your work just gets better and better [if that's possible]!

oh goodness! love both dresses. and the styling/photos in general! gorgeous.

Amazingly ethereal, Chelsea! The perfect way for a wedding and bride to be...

such a beautiful dress!

these are so incredible. i am either very emotional or beauty-starved today because every beautiful image i see makes me tear up a little. sigh. . .

oh chelsea this is gorgeous!!!

ahhhh. really sweet.

sweet spring bride!

Oh my. I need to get married in this dress! It's gorgeous!

I can't wait to see more

this is so good. what a great shoot.

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