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December 18, 2008


Do you know who makes that dress? It's beautiful!

love the dress! So stunning and unique.

Um. I just died a little inside. Beautiful things do that to me. Feather necklace = swoon.

enchanting! and that necklace beautiful!

who makes the dress and necklace?!?!?!!?!?

Stunning. Chelsea, I LOVE this!

her dress is amazing and fantastic necklace. it is all so wonderful


It looks like the rare, non-crazy-windy day at Cannon. Stunning!

I love this! So simple and elegant. That necklace is killer!

oh how lovely! such a sweet dress. i always adore simple weddings. thanks!

FUN to get married on a beach!

Loving this one. That first shot in color is like something out of a magical fairyland. I love the contrast of her gorgeous ivory dress against the earthy forest details in the background

i love how cozy and intimate this is!

Thanks for sharing!

Awww a beautiful couple and a beautiful Oregon beach! I love it! And why am I not friends with this girl?

INCREDIBLY beautiful! I especially love the first pic! :)

necklace by MissKK

Where did they get married in Cannon Beach?

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