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March 17, 2008


WOW! That is the coolest. Not that different from kids of today, just a different era. I remember doodling over my school books too. I particularly like that she has a list of boys names and their addresses! Do they belong to your grandma for whom you threw the yellow birthday party?

This is amazing! Your grandmother is the cat's pajamas.

WOW. this is amazing. you're so lucky to have something like this from your grandmother. very cool slice of life.

Such a great find! You must be so glad she kept these. Please tell me you are framing them or finding some way to preserve them.

Sarah- No is my other grandma's she is almost 90.

Elisabeth- yes she was and is. She's always been very boy crazy:)

Ansley, I am just borrowing it for now, but we should definitely figure out a way to preserve it as it is quite fragile.

Love it! It would be so fun to read the fine print... What an amazing piece of memorabilia.

This is absolutely amazing. A true treasure(chest). I wish I had one ... or two or three from my Gma.

Oh what an absolute treasure! I find it so difficult to imagine what my grandmother's were like as young girls. That is wonderful!

Wow, your grandma's such an artist. That is beautiful. I want to make my doodles more artistic :)

so lovely...how lucky to have this.

wow! that's amazing. i got to your blog via rita's domino post. this is an amazing piece of history you have. makes one want to save things.

wow! that's amazing. i got to your blog via rita's domino post. this is an amazing piece of history you have. makes one want to save things.

This is so beautiful! I am fascinated with this period of time and would consider this a treasure if it was found at a flea market. The fact that it is your grandmother's makes it unbelievably special. Lucky you!

Wow, your grandmother is a total artist! And great style! Thank you for sharing!

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